Bible Studies & Small Groups
*** All are subject to change without notice ***
Starting Sept 5
Need help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend.
Have you lost a loved one? Has your grief continued on and you feel alone? Often friends and family want to help you but don't know how. That's the reason for GriefShare. This 13 week program features Biblical concepts for
healing from your grief in a warm and caring environment you can trust. Questions or to register:
Call Norwalk First United Methodist Church, 419 668-1938 or email The meetings start Sept 5 - Dec 5 with a break for Thanksgiving.
Weekly Seminar topics include:
Is This Normal?
Challenges of Grief
The Journey of Grief - Part One
The Journey of Grief - Part Two
Grief and Your Relationships
Guilt and Anger
Complicating Factors
Lessons of Grief - Part One
Lessons of Grief - Part Two
What Do I Live for Now?
8 Lessons
Every Wednesday Night at 6:30
There are many opportunities for members to, reach out, and use their special gifts in caring for one another
United Methodist Women
Any woman may become a member of the United Methodist Women if she chooses to commit herself to the purpose of the organization through prayer, giving, study, action, and service.
United Methodist Women have inspiring speakers at their meetings and work to create a spiritual atmosphere for Christian growth.