Methodist Youth Fellowship or MYF is the Norwalk First United Methodist Youth Group.
MYF is Facilitated by Scott and Amy Krichbaum. Amy is a lifelong member of Norwalk First UMC and a former attendee of MYF, while Scott joined the church in 1995; after marrying Amy. They are the parents of twin daughters, Carmen & Scarlett, who also grew up in the church and were active in the youth group. Scott is the parts manager at Don Tester Ford in Norwalk. Amy is a teacher for Norwalk City Schools.

The MYF are always busy with something
Fifth Quarter at the Krichbaum backyard after all home Trucker football games.
Students enjoy food and fellowship around the firepit.
On Sunday evenings, September - May
We have our weekly MYF meetings from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
There we enjoy games, dinner, and a lesson together.
Our youth participate in different church activities throughout the year
Serving meals, helping with Community Dinner
Decorating cookie plates for members at Christmas
Boxing up care packages for college students and service members.
Other MYF events throughout the year include:
Game Night w/ the Congregation
Cinco de Mayo luncheon
Family Picnic
Car Show
YAC (Youth Annual Conference).